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Evolvepreneur® (After Hours)

As a time-poor, typically underfunded online entrepreneur who receives so much conflicting advice about the best ways to grow your business, how can you compete with the big end of town without any of the resources they have at their disposal?

Our mission is to start a revolution that will help entrepreneurs easily establish their own complete business system that can compete with the big end of town and mainstream social media platforms.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference

Join us today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best blueprints so you can fast-track your business...


EPS07:069 [Steven Howard] ​​​​​​​Focus on People And Achieve Desired Results

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Steven Howard ... Steven Howard, an acclaimed author of 22 books on leadership, business, and professional development, recently released "Humony Leadership," a Gold Medal-winning book recognized by the Nonfiction Authors Association. He was honored as one of the Top 200 Global Biggest Voices in Leadership by the LeadersHum network and featured in Brainz CREA Global's list of top entrepreneurs and leaders. His book, "Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes.," also received recognition. As a sought-after platform and virtual speaker, Steven delivers leadership keynote speeches worldwide for various events and conferences. Read more

EPS07:068 [Wayne Wright] ​​​​​​​Innovate or Die!

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Wayne Wright ... This episode discusses the importance of innovation for businesses with a guest Wayne Wright, who is an investor and author. Wayne talks about how his early career in science fostered an innovative mindset. He provides examples of innovations he developed that transformed companies and increased profits. He emphasizes that innovation is about more than new products - it can also include process improvements. This episode discusses how some companies fail to innovate and get disrupted, using Kodak as an example. The challenge of balancing current business needs with investing in new innovations is also covered. Wayne stresses that innovation improves customer solutions and keeps a business relevant. Listeners are provided with details on how to connect with the guest speaker to learn more about driving innovation. Read more

EPS07:067 [Anthony Murphy] ​​​​​​​Grow Business Amid Tough Times

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Anthony Murphy ... This episode discusses driving business growth in challenging times with guest Anthony Murphy, founder of digital growth agency Attention Media. Anthony gained experience in his family's business before starting his podcast and agency. He emphasizes the importance of leaning into difficulties and finding opportunities during crises. Anthony explains how he grew his agency during the pandemic by shifting operations online and continuing marketing. Core values and communicating what a business stands for are also discussed as important for building trust. Preparing for difficulties and having fallback plans, like what is often needed for farming, was another lesson. Cutting marketing budgets during challenges was identified as a common mistake, as new customer acquisition is critical for sales. Anthony is focused on continuing to innovate and scale his agency while providing new employment opportunities. Read more

EPS07:066 [May Silvers] Do You Have What It Takes?

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is May Silvers ... This episode discusses the challenges of becoming an entrepreneur with guest May Silvers. May shares her experience working in hospitality and eventually starting her own mentorship business. She emphasizes that entrepreneurship is much harder work than most people realize and that the romanticized version on social media is misleading. May explains that many are shocked by the physical, mental, and emotional toll of rejection and the difficulties of building a sustainable business. Her mentorship program aims to give aspiring entrepreneurs a more realistic understanding of what it takes to succeed. May advises talking to existing business owners to learn about the challenges rather than just the successes. Overall, the podcast stresses the importance of developing mental toughness and not underestimating the grind required to get a new business off the ground. Read more

EPS07:065 [Andrew Wilner] ​​​​​​​Side Gigs

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Andrew Wilner ... This episode discusses working side gigs, particularly for physicians with guest Andrew Wilner. He talks about how locum tenens work allows doctors flexibility to test different locations before settling down. It also provides an option for those wanting reduced hours near retirement. Burnout is a risk if the work is not balanced, but side projects can help rekindle passion if done right. Wilner took time off from clinical work and was surprised by medical advances when returning. He advises having savings to support yourself when starting something new. The discussion covers how isolation from technology changes can impact doctors' wellbeing. Overall, the podcast provides advice on maintaining work-life balance and passion for one's career through temporary opportunities or side projects. Read more

EPS07:064 [Carol Schultz] ​​​​​​​Talent-Centric Organizations

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Carol Schultz ... This episdoe discusses talent centric organizations with guest Carol Schultz. Carol explains that many companies think their problems are with recruiting, when often the real issue lies with company culture and leadership. She developed a process to help companies become truly talent centric by refocusing on employees and aligning talent and business strategies. Carol discusses the importance of effective communication, feedback loops, and succession planning. She highlights how the talent department should be elevated to a partner role rather than being under HR. The podcast also explores challenges with growing companies and making necessary leadership changes. Carol shares an example client success story of improving culture, happiness, and performance through her talent centric approach. Read more

EPS07:063 [Donna Groves] Wellbeing In The Workplace

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Donna Groves ... Donna Groves has worked for 30 years in male-dominated infrastructure and construction fields. She faced significant challenges as often the only woman on work sites. Donna realized her own perfectionism and relentless drive were negatively impacting her team's well-being. She implemented changes like flexibility, wellness programs, and celebrations to improve work-life balance. Donna now helps other construction companies adopt such well-being initiatives. Pilot programs showed reductions in sick leave and better health metrics. Qualitatively, workers reported being happier and more productive while working less. Donna's efforts have helped challenge the traditionally poor work culture and high stress levels in the construction industry. She is now passing on these lessons to help entire communities impacted by major projects. Read more

EPS07:062 [Joanne Tan] ​​​​​​​Brand Building

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Joanne Tan ... Joanne Tapp is the founder of a brand building agency that helps clients develop their brand identity through an in-depth decoding process to understand their message, vision and goals. She guides clients through creating high-quality promotional videos by directing their performances to get authentic emotions. Producing a 5-minute video can take several weeks of work including scripting, filming, and editing footage. Joanne ensures clients fully understand their brand before rebranding and sometimes discovers their true objectives differ from their initial perceptions. Her process provides clarity and inspires clients to achieve their goals, with one even saying sessions with her were better than a decade of therapy. Read more

EPS07:061 [Michael Bremer] ​​​​​​​Boost Self-Belief, Surpass Average

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Michael Bremer ... This episode discusses techniques for continuous improvement in organizations. It explores how setting clear priorities and visualizing important metrics can help drive better decision making. Limiting the number of proposals engineering works on at a time helped one company improve communication between departments and double their win rate. Michael also discusses the importance of leadership taking accountability for improvements and creating a safe environment where honest feedback is possible. Creating systems with integrity was highlighted as important for organizations to work effectively toward their goals. Read more

EPS07:060 [Kent Lewis] ​​​​​​​Stay True and Achieve Growth and Happiness

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Kent Lewis ... Kent had great success running his digital marketing agency, but over time became disconnected from his team and clients. He realized he needed a change when he was unhappy and unfulfilled. Kent created a credo to attract the right people and refocus the company, which helped improve employee retention. However, some employees took advantage of the relaxed culture and stopped respecting him. After a difficult period, Kent rebuilt the agency and focused on caring for his employees above all else. He now works to help companies bridge the gap between excellent employee and customer experiences, which can significantly boost business success. Kent advocates focusing first on creating a top-notch environment for workers as the path to profitability and longevity. Read more
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