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The A.I. Advantage™ Show


You have arrived at the premier platform for entrepreneurs ready to learn about Artificial Intelligence. Join us as we explore the intersection of innovation and intelligence, diving into AI's transformative power. Each episode uncovers strategies, insights, and tools that drive business growth. We engage with experts and entrepreneurs, discussing real-world applications, success stories, and AI trends.

Whether you're an established business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, our show helps you harness AI's potential, optimize operations, and boost growth.

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AIS002:011 [Craig Herd] ​​​​​​​The Intelligent Advantage

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Craig Herd ... Craig Herd's AI aids client acquisition, tailoring cold outreach with a personal touch, streamlining networking for business owners. Despite some initial reservations, recipients value personalized AI contact. Users report broader networks and improved interactions. Heard envisions AI complementing human strengths, ending sales inefficiency and promoting balanced entrepreneurship. Read more

AIS002:010 [Stewart Marshall] ​​​​​​​Keep Calm and Carry On

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Stewart Marshall ... Stewart Marshall advises on practical AI use for businesses, stressing it's a tool, not magic. Problem understanding is vital for effective implementation. AI's potential shown in predicting issues like water main failures. Job shifts expected, with new unforeseen roles. Embrace AI, experiment for context-specific solutions. AI enhances human capabilities, not replaces. Read more

AIS002:009 [Ari Magalhaes] ​​​​​​​Leveraging AI to Deliver Better Services

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Ari Magalhaes ... Ari discussed how she uses AI tools like chatbots to improve the services she provides to clients by saving her up to 80% of the time on tasks. She found it took about a month of using prompts intentionally to get comfortable with chatbots. Ari explained the importance of providing context and specificity in prompts to get useful responses. While some resistance exists, she believes AI will create more jobs than it replaces by helping businesses adapt to future demands. Ari sees opportunities for AI to enhance professions by aiding with writing, research, and content creation. Overall, AI assists her in delivering more value to clients within the time available. Read more

AIS002:08 [Josh Bachynski ] Self Aware A.I.

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Josh Bachynski ... Josh Bachynski is a renowned figure in artificial intelligence and technology, holding an MA in Philosophy from Dalhousie University and extensive experience as a teacher. He gained recognition for his TEDx talk on "The Future of Google, Search, & Ethics" and believes self-aware AI is not a threat but rather a tool to efficiently solve problems. Josh advocates that smarter AI tends to be more ethical and forward-thinking. While AI may disrupt jobs initially, he sees its potential to empower individuals and democratize ideas. He calls for regulations to ensure fair compensation for content creators whose work is used to train AI models. Overall, Josh encourages people to learn AI to gain an advantage and believes it can have a positive impact on society when used responsibly. Read more

AIS002:007 [Carma Spence] How to Make AI Your Virtual Assistant (VA)!

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest episode today is with Carma Spence... Carma Spence is an author who helps other entrepreneurs write books to establish themselves as experts. She discussed how she uses AI tools like ChatGPT to streamline tasks like social media posting. While these tools can generate initial content, she emphasized that users must carefully edit and refine the output to maintain their authentic voice. Carma also warned against fully trusting AI responses, as systems like ChatGPT can provide plausible but fictional information. Through iterative use and showing AI systems how she edits their content, Spence finds they are getting better at mimicking her style over time. Overall, she views AI as a valuable partner that improves efficiency if users have the right skills to guide it and finalize its work. Read more

AIS002:006 [Stella Gianotto] Is AI Changing The Rules of Branding and Marketing?

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest episode today is with Stella Gianotto... Stella Gianotto, a consumer futurist with over 25 years of branding industry experience, offers expert insights on branding, consumer behavior, and marketing. She emphasizes the changing landscape brought by AI in branding and marketing. AI automation, personalized experiences, and valuable insights are among its benefits. However, achieving the right balance between AI and human touch remains a challenge for marketers. Relevance and authenticity are crucial for customer connection. AI can empower smaller businesses by boosting creativity and productivity. Stella's company witnessed a 51% revenue increase by adopting AI technologies part-time without replacing staff. Her advice centers on using AI as a creative enhancement tool rather than relying solely on automation. Read more

AIS002:005 [Scott Bywater] How to Book Your Calendar Solid with AI Emails

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Scott Bywater ... Scott Bywater, a top marketing copywriter, leads Elite Marketers in Australia. With 21+ years of experience, he has written for renowned figures and offers the 'Simple Email ROI System' course. Scott empowers coaches and consultants to leverage email lists effectively using AI tools like ChatGPT. Preparation and domain knowledge are key for optimal AI results. He structures emails for value delivery and a subtle sales approach. By providing specific prompts, AI-generated content improves. Scott advises against generic content and encourages using AI to enhance quality, not compromise it. Read more

AIS002:004 [Jeremy Nagel] ​​​​​​​Blocking Distractions Using AI

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Jeremy Nagel ... Jeremy Nagel, a neurodivergent software developer and startup founder, created FocusBear, an AI-powered productivity app that combats distractions and optimizes time. ChatGPT aids his focus by providing relevant information without interruptions. The app, utilizing OpenAI, determines website relevance to the user's task. Jeremy believes AI can automate mundane tasks, enabling enjoyable work, but it's not a cure for ADHD and should be used alongside other treatments. He recommends flashcards and spaced repetition for long-term information retention. Previously selling Smooth Messenger to MessageMedia, Jeremy now works as a product manager while leading his new venture, Focus Bear—an app for ADHD individuals, promoting productivity and work-life balance. Read more

AIS002:003 [Kimberly Spencer] ​​​​​​​A.I.Powered Branding

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Kimberly Spencer ... Kimberly Spencer helps clients with personal branding and unlocking success in the digital age. AI tools like ChatGPT have helped speed up tasks like podcast production and social media content creation within her business. However, she cautions against relying solely on AI, stressing the importance of authenticity and humanness that connects with audiences. AI can help with ideation and outlining, but the final content should reflect the client's unique voice. Kimberly believes AI can teach us how to ask better questions and think in a more solution-focused way, but we must remain in command and guide AI with compassion. Read more

AIS002:002 [Leanne Shelton] ​​​​​​​Embracing the Enemy - From Copywriter to ChatGPT Trainer

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Show Join me, Richard Wray, to gain the A.I. Advantage today where we dive deep into the transformative power of A.I. to help fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Leanne Shelton ... Leanne trains business owners to use ChatGPT effectively to improve their copywriting. While ChatGPT can produce decent initial content, users need to refine it to match their tone of voice and fix errors. Leanne teaches people how to craft good prompts and edit ChatGPT output to make it sound more natural. Copywriters can embrace AI tools like ChatGPT by using their skills to advise and edit AI-generated content. Leanne argues that copywriters' skills are still relevant, they just need to adapt and use AI to increase their profits. Her key advice is to never accept the first draft from ChatGPT, but take the time to properly review and edit it. Read more
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