
Welcome to the Evolvepreneur A.I. Advantage Pro Community Event  #4

Our very special guest speaker today is Noah Healy ...

Running The Red Queen's Race

In Lewis Carrol's 'Through The Looking Glass' The Red Queen (portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter in the 2016 movie) and Alice are in a race where they have to run as fast as they can just to stay still!

Do you feel the same about A.I.?  In this extended interview with Noah Healy, we discuss if this is really what A.I. is doing to business and society, is it really about evolution or is there a better way to deal with this challenge?

Noah Healy studied nuclear engineering and then pivoted to becoming a professional and recreational computational mathematician. His game theory work on Negotiation Games provides unique insights into deployment strategy for AI at individual, corporate and industry level. Also he used it to develop the patent pending CDM system for the most efficient markets known.


Strategic application of of AI to transform your business and ecosystem


Laying out the strategy of shifting business and ecosystem with AI. Basic points to include easy integration points, stable and unstable competition, self-disruption, and shifts in the competitive landscape.

Meeting Summary for AI Advantage Pro Event Series 

The event discussion covered various topics related to artificial intelligence, including recent developments in chatbots and how AI can enhance jobs rather than replace them. Participants also discussed how businesses need to be proactive in adopting AI to adapt to changes and remain competitive. While some are fearful of job losses, experts noted that AI tools can boost productivity for skilled workers. The group considered how industries have transformed before through technological changes. Emerging features in AI like voice cloning and language translation were highlighted as examples of new opportunities. Overall, the consensus was that embracing AI innovation will open up new avenues for businesses and allow those who are masters of their fields to further expand their skills and services.

  • The event discusses AI news and recent developments from companies like ChatGPT, which released a new multimodal format and improved image generation models.
  • Google dominates the online search market with around 90% share, due in part to paying Apple $18 billion per year to remain the default search engine on iOS devices.
  • Anthropic's constitutional AI models focus on integrating empathy and addressing issues like model hallucination.
  • Microsoft saw a 13% increase in revenue boosted by strong growth in their Azure cloud business.
  • Researchers are working on frameworks to correct AI hallucinations and make models' outputs more grounded.
  • Adoption of AI technologies provides opportunities for 20-50% productivity gains for businesses in fields like law and finance.
  • While AI promises huge benefits, fully realizing its potential requires overcoming challenges like disruptive changes and fears of job loss.
  • Intermediaries' expertise and knowledge can be identified, commoditized and distributed at scale using AI to enhance rather than replace human work.
  •  Areas like programming, legal work, and grant writing are promising near-term applications of AI due to the ability to automate initial drafts and filtering of large amounts of data

Here's your meeting summary for AI Advantage Pro Event Series on 11/01/2023. This summary has been auto-generated. AI-generated content may be inaccurate or misleading. Always check for accuracy. 
Richard demonstrated the use of 11 labs for voiceovers and promos, as well as his digital bubble.

Richard hosted a live AI community event with noah as a guest, featuring an interview, Q&A session, breakout rooms, and a post-discussion on AI pro tips with John, who introduced the AI Pro membership.

Richard and noah discussed the impact of AI with John and noah, and the group discussed the potential impact of AI on the workforce and the need for reporting on successful and unsuccessful pilots. Richard initiated a discussion about overcoming challenges in a race and asked participants to share their key takeaways, which included the impact of AI on the workforce and the need for reporting on successful and unsuccessful pilots.

Full Recap 
Richard's 11 Labs Demo 
Richard demonstrated the use of 11 labs for voiceovers and promos, as well as his digital bubble. The discussion also touched on maintaining privacy and security, and the innovators' dilemma. 
AI Community Event: Interview, Q&A, Membership, Developments, Revenue, and Study 
Richard hosted the fourth live AI community event, featuring an interview with Noah Healy, a Q&A session, breakout rooms, and a post-discussion on AI pro tips with John. John introduced the AI Pro membership, which provides access to resources and meetings related to AI. He highlighted the benefits of membership, including access to a special group, hands-on workshops, and a private podcast. Additionally, he discussed recent developments in the AI world, including a new multimodal format from Chaji and Google's investment in empathetic AI. John also noted Microsoft's 30% increase in revenue for the September quarter, largely due to its cloud business incorporating AI. Lastly, he mentioned a study by researchers at the University of Science and Technology, China, which developed a framework to address and correct AI's hallucination issues. 
AI's Impact on Computing Resources and Innovation Adoption 
John shared updates and introduced Richard, who introduced Noah Healy, a market designer and game theorist. noah spoke about the concept of the Red Queen's race and its implications in the world of AI. Richard and noah discussed the impact of AI on the utilization of computing resources, with noah warning of the potential for being outcompetited if businesses fail to keep up. noah also addressed the concept of the innovator's dilemma, explaining how established leaders often struggle to justify adopting innovation due to short-term financial losses. Richard agreed that significant change is needed in response to the uptake and flexibility of AI. 
Retail Giants, AI, and Privacy Concerns 
Noah discussed the rise of retail giants Amazon and Walmart and the fall of Sears, attributing it to their inability to adapt to the shift towards internet-based trading. He highlighted that the next dominant companies would be those that leverage information technology effectively. Noah also touched on the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to disrupt various industries, mentioning legal services and medicine as areas that could see significant changes. Richard asked about the potential negatives of AI, leading to a discussion on privacy and security concerns, particularly with chatbots. Noah also mentioned the possibility of inferring trade secrets from questions asked of chatbots. 
Innovation, Adaptation, and AI in Businesses 
Richard opened the floor for questions after discussing with noah. Grant asked noah about problem-solving in the context of businesses retracting. noah recommended using a story matrix to engage stakeholders and start thinking about changing the industry, emphasizing that businesses resistant to change would be left behind by those that adapt. noah also used a metaphor of penguins on ice flows to illustrate the concept of adapting to change. The challenges of innovation in business and the reluctance of some business owners to take risks and be innovative were discussed. A proposal was made to create a new field and structure for businesses to be leaders in a new situation. Grant highlighted the importance of momentum and control in implementing innovation. Towards the end, Karen asked about storytelling's relevance to their discussion. Zoom expressed concerns about intermediaries being replaced by AI and direct models. noah replied that intermediaries can still add value in certain markets and can use AI to share knowledge across large groups. He also suggested that chatbots can be used to create rough drafts for programming and grant writing. Miguel expressed support for the use of AI at universities. 

AI Implementation and Impact Discussion 
Miguel, Richard, Brendan, and John discussed the implementation and potential impact of AI. They touched on the need for reporting on successful and unsuccessful pilots, the transformational impact of AI on the workforce, and the dangers of hubris in AI development. The group also discussed the fear factor surrounding AI and its potential to displace jobs. Furthermore, they discussed the potential of AI to save time and improve efficiency, and the need for courage in facing the challenges ahead. Tony introduced the idea of using AI to summarize book descriptions, emphasizing the need for courage and boldness in the new world. Noah highlighted the opportunities people see in the new world and the importance of courage in facing the challenges ahead. 
Integrating AI Into Planning Systems 
Noah stressed the significance of integrating AI into their planning systems and shared that its implementation has already started in some areas like finance. John and Richard then provided tech tips, demonstrating two AI tools, ChatGPT Dall-e and 11 Labs. They highlighted the potential for AI to improve human interaction and expand audience reach. Richard invited attendees for further discussions and announced the date for their next event in the first week of December


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