Evolvepreneur® Secrets Show With Brian Silverthorn

Are you an online entrepreneur or looking to grow, pivot and re-invent your business and struggling with the complexity?
As a time-poor, typically underfunded online entrepreneur who receives so much conflicting advice about the best ways to grow your business, how can you compete with the big end of town without any of the resources they have at their disposal? Our mission is to start a revolution that will help entrepreneurs easily establish their own complete business system that can compete with the big end of town and mainstream social media platforms.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference and navigate the messy world of startup, growth or re-launch.
This is the Evolvepreneur Secrets for Entrepreneurs Show. 
Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best blueprints so you can fast track your business...


S09:11 [Yuliana Hartanto] ​​​​​​​Be Authentically You

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Yuliana Hartanto ... Born and growing up Chinese in a small village in Indonesia, a predominantly Muslim country in the 70s, Yuliana Francie ticked all the boxes to win the minority trifecta, Chinese, Catholic, and Female. At 18yrs of age, Yuliana flew on her own to Australia on a student visa, working two jobs to graduate with a Bachelor degree and CPA. At 27 years of age, she managed a $450M business. Yuliana then left her corporate job with a deep wish to start her entrepreneurship journey, resulting in earning $20,000 a week of revenue on eBay within 3 months of launching. Read more

S09:10 [Joanna Walden] ​​​​​​​The Inside Hustle

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Joanna Walden ... Joanna Walden is a visionary, multidimensional transformation specialist, speaker and author of The Inside Hustle. A Mystical Misfit’s Travel Adventure into the Unknown. Read more

S09:09 [Suzanne Culberg] ​​​​​​​Business Boundaries

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Suzanne Culberg ... Suzanne Culberg is an author and coach who helps over-givers and people pleasers learn to set boundaries and say 'No' without feeling like a bitch. Suzanne is known for her straight-talking and her wacky t-shirts. She lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband and 2 awesome children. Read more

S09:08 [Regina Meyer] ​​​​​​​With Courage and Determination On a Publishing Adventure

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Regina Meyer ... Regina Petra Meyer was born and raised in Switzerland and worked as a travel agent for several years. Her curiosity was piqued by coordinating trips for her clients to all corners of the globe, and eventually she packed her own bags and adopted a globetrotting lifestyle. Regina has adventured across all continents, enjoys meeting people and trying new foods – providing she can distinguish what’s on her plate. She has lived and worked in Antigua in the Caribbean, the USA, New Zealand, and currently calls tropical Cairns, Australia, her home. When she’s not writing, Regina helps people to become empowered, to embrace courage and follow their dreams. The memoir Change of Course is Regina’s first book. Read more

S09:07 [Lincoln Kokaram] ​​​​​​​Live, love, Serve with Passion

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Lincoln Kokaram ... Born in Trinidad and Tobago, now a citizen of USA. A Social and Emotional Intelligence coach. Lincoln has trained and spoken in over 35 countries. Author of two books, ’Verse for the Day’ and ‘with P.A.S,S.I.O.N.’ His mission is to help people to be the best they were designed to be. Read more

S09:06 [Lillian Brummet] ​​​​​​​Make A Plan, But Be Flexible

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Lillian Brummet ... Lillian and her husband Dave are the team behind Brummet Media Group, high-fiving cheerfully as they pass each other on the way from checking off one item or other from their long to-do list. Their business includes Dave’s music studio and percussion accessory products and graphic design work as well as numerous award-winning non-fiction books and popular blogs. Visit the Brummets @: www.BrummetMedia.ca -&- drop by their Amazon Author page @: https://amazon.com/author/lillianbrummet Read more

S09:05 [Cameron Cowan] ​​​​​​​Creating The Cameron Journal

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success My very special guest today is Cameron Cowan ... Cameron Cowan is a writer, thinker, and human being in Seattle, Washington. He is an internationally published writer with features in niche magazines and popular online sites like The Good Men Project and Flux UK. He is the author of three books, two fiction, one non-fiction. He is the former host of The Cameron Cowan Show on YouTube and currently writes at The Cameron Journal. Read more

S09:04 [Sandy Davies] ​​​​​​​You, too, Possess The Power to Rise Above

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Sandy Davies ... Author Sandy Davies has created a global anthology filled with stories of hope and resilience to assure you, the reader, you are not alone. Born in Kansas, Sandy now lives on the edge of the Australian Coral Sea. She is a fierce menopause and positive ageing advocate. Read more

S09:03 [Roger Williams] ​​​​​​​Becoming the Head Crosser Offer

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Roger Williams ... After 30+ years in the education/youth development field, lockdown and heart attack, Roger reordered his life by giving himself the title of Head Crosser Offer of my bucket list. After an adult gap year I wrote a book called Live Out Your List: Finding Joy Through A Bucket List Lifestyle. Read more

S09:02 [Jeremy Britton] ​​​​​​​Build a Billion-Dollar Business That Others Want To Buy

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs (Author Series) Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies for self-published authors and their journeys from startup to success. My very special guest today is Jeremy Britton ... Jeremy Britton started his first financial planning business at age 19. He went on to create 13 startups and write three best-selling books. Read more
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